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Contrary to popular belief, A.I will not get rid of writers.

It's quite the opposite actually,

A.I will create better writers, therefore increasing the demand for writers.

It is important to note by the way that this is my personal opinion as an experienced writer and an artificial intelligence enthusiast.

It has never been easier to become a writer in the history of humanity.

All you need to do is think of an idea now and ask Chatgpt to write up something on it.

And voila; you've got a good draft, or writing skeleton as I like to call it.

Notice I said draft?

Yeah that's because you need to do 70% of the work yourself

You can't just go around publishing content generated by A.I

This will make you a mediocre writer because A.I lacks one crucial thing in writing:


To further understand this,

Let's talk about how A.I generates content.


When you input a phrase or keyword and the text format (i.e article, blog post, essay, e.t.c)

The A.I searches the internet for content that fits all these requirements,

Then produces something similar as output.

Let's just say A.I content is almost always “heavily inspired” by content from the internet.

Now I know what you're probably thinking:

“Well Michael, people look to the internet for inspiration too.”

And you're right.

Well, almost right.

People are capable of writing out content from their own unique experiences and ideas

Therefore are capable of creating content that is unique to them alone and maybe a fan base they have built around these experiences and ideas.

A.I cannot do this.

If you want to understand A.I generated content a bit more,

Here's a link to an article that'll help.


In 1988,

Mathematics teachers protested the use of calculators by students in the U.S

They feared that if students used calculators too early, they wouldn't learn basic math concepts.

Fast forward to 2023,

A new protest is going on…



Because it will take over all our jobs.

At least that's what some people think.

But the truth is,

Just like calculators, A.I is just a tool.

It's not going to take away the basic concepts of math or your jobs if used the right way.

In fact A.I makes you more effective and productive as a writer!

Because it takes away all the unnecessary time spent having to worry about coming up with ideas

Or the time spent looking for an editor,

Or even the time spent writing in some cases.

But all this can only happen when you use A.I the right way.

Before we look into the right way to use A.I,

Let's address a dilemma most writers face during this artificial intelligence period….


I love to write.

And like a lot of writers who love to write, I don't want to delegate my writing,

Even if it would make me faster.

A lot of writers see artificial intelligence as a threat to their livelihood,

But passionate writers see A.I as a threat to their purpose!

But it doesn't have to be that way.

Let me explain…

Using A.I doesn't mean you have to give up writing,

It just means you:

  • have a cure for writer's block,

  • Can generate endless ideas to write on,

  • Can edit your work to be more persuasive or sound however you want,

You basically have a tiny assistant that helps you write faster and better.

But if you enjoy the pain of the idea generation process and see it as a necessary sacrifice

Then you should probably leave A.I alone.

You can recommend this newsletter to a friend of yours though and tell them not to read it🌚


Now let's talk about the right way to use A.I.

As said above, A.I should be used as a tiny assistant to speed up the writing process

And make editing easier.

In most cases, effective writers use A.I to generate endless ideas to write on.

Therefore with the continuous advancement of the technology,

Writer's block is soon to be a thing of the past.

How I personally love to use A.I apart from idea generation, is to delegate small writing tasks to it.

It could be an ad, or a short product description,

I just input what I want using prompts in ChatGpt to make sure I get a pretty strong draft.

Then I edit a few things in my own writing voice.

This way, I have time to focus on the big projects that require more of my attention.

I can't give up writing,

I've just learned to make the process more enjoyable for myself.


Change is a scary thing, especially when the outcome is uncertain.

But change is necessary.

To keep up with the times, we must adapt to change and not fear it,

Believe it or not A.I has come to stay

We can either fear it and indeed get replace by it,

Or we can master it and excel in our crafts.

The ball is in our court.

This is where this week's newsletter ends, if you enjoyed it share it with a friend and please subscribe,

If you didn't, share it to as many people as you can and tell them it's sh*t👹

Thank you for reading this far

Your friend,

(And chess loving Villain)


(PS: Next week we will break down my favourite framework for writing content, and why it works soooo well. See you then)


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