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- Bored to Creative 2
Bored to Creative 2
My 3 techniques for harnessing the magic of boredom
Boredom is a gift.
But for many it is a nightmare- especially for creative people.
It shouldn't be so.
Boredom exists to guide you to creativity
But it can only fulfill it's role if you know how to tap into it.
Last week we discussed the 5 steps of creativity in which boredom was at the base.

Today I'll show you my 3 key techniques for harnessing my boredom to make sure I never run out of creative juice.
Let's dive in….
Before you can use these techniques, you must develop the right attitude towards boredom.
In our generation, we don't like the idea of being bored.
We see it as a curse.
We try all and anything to avoid it.
The quickest cure is to pull out our phones and shove out eyes full of content.
However, if you want to discover a creative side you never knew you had you need to change this approach.
You need to welcome boredom when it strikes you and realize that it is the door-way to an inspiration just waiting to be discovered.
Once you make this drastic mindset shift, then you can apply these techniques:
1. Mind Inactivity
The Subtle Art of doing nothing.
Doesn't make any sense?
Well let me ask you this, how did you feel the last time you had a shower thought?
Amazing right?
Now we're you even trying when the thought popped into your head?
The answer is most probably no.
All you were doing was taking a relaxing shower.
But inspiration hit you like a truck with a failed brake and you felt good.
This is because the mind is much more productive when relaxed.
Ofcourse there are variations to this such as : walking, staring at the wall at time intervals and taking naps
During these three “activities” your aim is to clear your mind as much as possible
This leaves room for your mind to work and bring you answers without being interrupted by distracting thoughts.
2. Mind Stimulation
A lot of us already do this when bored
But we don't use it to gain inspiration.
Here, you occupy your mind with valuable information pertaining to what you want to create or questions you want answers to.
You'd be surprised at how much inspiration you can get from listening to Rock and roll- even if you're a children's book writer.
It's amazing how the mind can make connections for you when you're reading, listening to podcasts or listening to music
It can make seemingly unrelated things make sense.
As long as your aim is to find inspiration.
3. Mind Engagement
This is a combination of mind inactivity and mind stimulation.
It involves: listening to a podcast while taking a walk or reading a book when feeling a bit sleepy just to push you over the edge.
At this point your mind absorbs quality information while you're relaxed or trying to relax.
All distracting thoughts are silenced or at least reduced
And your mind can freely wander to make connections and drag out your imagination (or at least that what I think from my experiences).
These 3 technique have helped me induce boredom and have also helped me when already bored to engage my imagination in order to use my maximum creativity.
I'm sure they will work for you as well.
I await your testimonies as you try them (seriously I want your testimonial so try them).
P.S.: If you want to turn your creativity into a business, but you don't know how to start a newsletter, grow a social media account or keep an engaged audience book a call with me now and let's fix all that.
Thank you for reading so far.
In the next post I'll talk about how to become an immortalized even after you die.
If that interests you, do not miss the next post.
Till the next one.
Your friend,