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- Consistency Is Overrated (I learnt this the hard way)
Consistency Is Overrated (I learnt this the hard way)
You have been sold a lie by the gurus:
“Just keep showing up”
“Consistency is the key”
“You’ll win if you don't give up”
These are all LIES.
The truth is consistency is just one piece of the puzzle.
Infact, consistency can yield 2 results:
And these results depend on the type of consistency applied…

This is one where you just keep doing what you've been doing.
No strategy
No analysis
No optimization
No iteration
You just keep echoing the words “consistency is key” and you keep going.
When it doesn't work for you
Guess what?
You go even harder because “you just need to keep showing up”
Guess what results this would generate.
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

The picture above was taken after I tore my lower back muscle doing pull-ups.
This was in February of 2023.
My mom warned me to ease off on the work out because I had be lifting heavy stuff for the house that whole week.
I just shrugged it off
I believed in my strength and I believed I had to stay “consistent” so I wouldn't lose my momentum.
Then one day, I got off the pull-up bar and I couldn't go back on
My back was stiff.
I thought it was just fatigue
But when I calmed down
The pain came.
It felt like being stabbed with a hot knife (I'm not even kidding).
If I had practiced the second type of consistency this wouldn't have happened to me.

Here you keep doing what you're doing and when you don't see the results you need;
You strategize
You analyze
You optimize
You iterate
You don't just keep going for consistency sake
You do what you have to, to get what you want.
The essence of consistency is volume.
As long as you can do something for a long period of time you'll have enough data to know where you need to improve on.
With these few points of mine I hope I was able to show you that consistency is not all you need.
Thanks for reading so far
See you soon.
Your friend and big buff guy,
Michael .
P.S.: To make writing these letters easier and more interesting for me
Please reply with a topic you want me to write on next week