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  • How To Develop A Writing Routine(that you'll follow)

How To Develop A Writing Routine(that you'll follow)

All media is built on writing.

From a tweet to a blog post and even YouTube scripts.

Everything you consume on social media has been written beforehand then modified to fit the particular platform.

This means that if you want to build a personal brand that survives, you must become a prolific writer.

For this to happen you must develop a writing habit.

But writing everyday can be painful (even if you love to write).

Let me show you how I developed a writing habit in 30 days with no pain:


Every human being is different and therefore has different attributes.

A “sacred time” is a time of day when you're most productive.

Here you have

  • more focus

  • More energy

  • less distractions.

For me that time is in the morning.

From 6am to 8am.

This is when all the requirements stated above have been met for me.

This is my sacred time.

Once you've discovered your own:

  1. Block out time on your calendar.

  2. Remove distractions.

  3. Write.

Blocking out time on your calendar is a simple yet effective way to push yourself to do something.

Everyday select an hour in your day where all you do is write.

Remove distractions.

Don't write with your phone near you.

If you're writing on your phone, turn on “do not disturb.”

Don't write with the TV on, write away from the kids.

The beautiful thing about your sacred time is that it is a time when nobody needs your attention.

Now all that is left to do is write.


If you miss a day, no problem get back in the horse.

But try as much as possible to not miss 2 days in a row.

You're trying to build a habit here, missing 2 days of writing won't help with that.


Life happens.

Somedays, your sacred time maybe occupied.

I understand, I have experienced it myself.

So find a separate time in your day you can squeeze in 30 minutes of writing.

Now remember, it is not your sacred time so you won't be as productive as you need, but you'll just have to manage.

It could be 30 minutes before you go to bed.

It could be when your kids fall asleep.

It could be 30 minutes of your lunch break at work.

Basically anytime you can minimize distractions for at least 30 minutes and focus on your writing.

You need this supplementary time as back up incase your 1 hour sacred time doesn't work out that day.


Do. Do. Do.

Write. Write. Write.

You have to be ruthless with yourself for 30 days.

Everyday, write.

Consistency builds a compounding effect and before you know it, writing will become part of your daily life.

And you might even begin to increase your writing time if you decide.

Now I know I've spoken a lot about writing everyday but there's a problem

What do you write about?

If this is something you ask yourself, don't worry.

I created a template and ebook that will guide you to come up with endless content ideas and modify them to different writing platforms.

Thank you for reading so far,

Next week we talk about how to overcome impostor syndrome as a writer and I will show you how to be confident in your own knowledge and experience.

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See you next week.

Your friend,



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