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  • Gaining confidence as a creator (Overcoming Impostor Syndrome)

Gaining confidence as a creator (Overcoming Impostor Syndrome)

How many times have you felt unqualified?

You feel like you shouldn't write a post because you're not an expert in the field.

You're afraid you're biting off more than you can chew my taking up that project.

You don't want to look like a try-hard so you just don't share your thoughts.


This is what is known as impostor syndrome

And it is more common than you think.

Study shows that over 70% of people suffer from impostor syndrome

And if you're a writer or creative person, chances are you suffer from this as well.

This is why you see a lot of anonymous accounts on social media

And even published writers use pen names.

But if you're serious about turning your passion into a business through your personal brand

You must overcome this.

To overcome impostor syndrome, you must build authority in your mind through your experiences.

Here are some things that will help you (they helped me too):


You don't lack experience

You lack awareness.

A lot of people think their life is boring

So they don't pay much attention to their everyday life.

But everyday, there's a story to tell.

Search yourself:

  • What experiences do you have?

  • What did these experiences teach you?

  • How can these experiences help others?

The answers may suprise you.

You may not be an “expert", but you might be more qualified than you know.


Competence breeds confidence.

You're probably familiar with that first statement.

If you're not, it simply means that in order to be confident in a situation, you must have ample knowledge/experience of said situation.

So how does this help?


Write a lot to feel like a qualified writer

Sing a lot to feel like a qualified singer

Draw a lot to feel like a qualified artist

Do more of what you want to gain authority in.

This will give you experience that will back you up when you decide to share your thoughts and opinions.


A little self criticism can be helpful

But stop putting yourself down.

You're not a fraud

You're not trying too hard

You're not an impostor

Saying all these things to yourself subconsciously makes you believe them.

You need to understand that you don't need to be an “expert” to share a helpful thought. In any field.

You just need to help those a few steps behind you on your own journey.

This is the concept of building online.

It is how the creator economy is being tapped.

You are sufficient.

Your knowledge is appreciated

Your tribe will find you as long as you're consistent.


In the beginning of my twitter writing journey

I challenge myself to write 100 threads in 10 weeks– I failed

When I was creating on Instagram I created a post everyday for 40 days.

Why did I chose to do these things?


They were hard.

I needed to prove to myself that I could do it.

I needed to build up my belief in my ability.

And even though I wasn't 100% successful

I can write banger threads now

And Instagram content creation is a piece of cake for me.

Do you get it?

Apart from building my confidence up

I have also mastered my craft.

This is the power of challenging yourself.

There you have it.

Four simple but necessary steps to overcome impostor syndrome.

It will take some time, but as long as you keep going, you'll overcome in no time.

I'll be rooting for you.

Your friend,



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