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We live in a time where so many people lack purpose in their lives.

They work without a clear goal in mind and reactively navigate their way through life as if on autopilot.

And in a sense, they are!

It is sad

But it is rampant.

And it all starts from one delusion….


I dare you

Walk up to 10 people and ask them if they want to be successful.

9 out of 10 times, you will probably best them say yes (afterall who doesn't want to be)

Now ask those same people this:

“What is your purpose in life?”

First of all for a majority of those people you will experience an awkward silence

Then get a half baked answer like;

“I just want to be happy” or “I want to be rich”

Why is this happening?

Personally I believe it's a result of our mental conditioning to just take things as they come,

To be reactive instead of forging our own paths.

This is the recipe for a failed, mediocre and miserable life.


So what do successful people do differently?

They begin with the end in mind.

“Begin with the end in mind is based on the principle that all things are created twice. There is a mental or first creation and a physical or second creation to all things”

–Stephen R Covey

In simpler terms;

Successful people realize that in order to get to where they want to be, they must first understand what they want out of life (their purpose) and work towards achieving it (be proactive)

The first part happens in the mind and the last part is physical.

You plan and execute.

One without the other is useless.


If a man knows not which port he sails, no wind is favourable


If you go about life working like a bee without a clear direction on your purpose and what you actually want to achieve,

No situation or circumstance that comes be it good or bad will ever look like an opportunity to succeed.

All success and failure have one thing in common;

They are first created in the mind.


When I was in Junior secondary school (Middle school), I didn't like to read.

I never needed to.

I would just attend class and wait for exams, then pass.

But I would have done so much better if I only read

And I knew it

One day, my friend took me to his dad who was the school's librarian at the time

And he loved my curiosity.

So he gave me a challenge:

“Read for just 30 minutes a day”

Those were his words.

So I'd spend 30 mins of my breaktime in the library everyday

Just reading things that struck my interest.

Some days I'd forget to eat and stay the entire break time

And finally it was here;


Each paper felt different from before I started reading

I was more confident.

Didn't really care about the outcome because I knew it

And it felt good.

When the results came out

I was one of the best in my class and the entire school.

So what changed me from just having a good result

To having great results and even passing subjects I don't normally pass?

I knew what I wanted (an excellent result)

And I was shown the direction ( 30 mins of reading everyday).

It may seem like a minute achievement but it shows that the principle of Purpose and direction works.


It all started with my mind.

When I didn't have excellent results

That was from my mind as well.

I knew what I had to do, but didn't see the need.

So it reflected in my results.

So when I did take action

It reflected in my results as well.

Like I said earlier

This might be a small example of success

But it explains that your mind will build your life in the direction you allow it to.

You have control.

You have dreams.

Take initiative. Make them come true.

Thanks for reading this far, I hope this helps.

See you next week,

Your friend,



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