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There's a debate in the content creation world
About if there's still original content out there
I even made a tweet about it and got some interesting replies
The biggest problem I have noticed in our age is the lack of authenticity of content creators because everyone is chasing what's “trending”.
Don't get me wrong
There's nothing wrong with getting inspired by trends
I'm just saying that there's something wrong if that's your entire strategy
Or even a large portion of it.
But why do we chase trends so much?
I experienced this myself when starting out on social media (Instagram at the time)
If you're a social media content creator you probably did too.
Because the truth is, as humans we all want to be recognized
We want to feel worthy of another's acknowledgement
We want our works to be recognized. And there's nothing wrong with that
But think about it for a second
If you were a shell among rocks, would you grab attention first or would other rocks get the attention?
Ofcourse the shell would grab attention first
Because it is true to itself even in the midst of rocks
So how should we create?
You are what you create.
Your thought patterns, the way you view the world, your opinions all come from an idea which lead to creation.
Essentially, creations are meant to be an extension of ourselves in another more artistic form.
What you think you create, what you feel you attract, what you imagine you become
From the analogy of the quote above,
It's also fair to say:

To clarify the image above let me make a bold statement:
There are two creations
But don't take my word for it
Take Stephen. R. Covey's who said in his book: 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
“…….all things are created twice. There is a mental or first creation, and a physical or second creation to all things.”
All things are created twice.
There is a creation that happens in your mind through your imagination (which you become)
And there is a creation which emanates from you as physical(your content)
You're still not convinced?
Well let's look at another quote and this time from the Bible
“As a man thinketh in his heart so he is”
If Buddha, a well renowned leadership figure (Stephen) and King Solomon can't convince you
I don't know what to say anymore 😅
So when you think,you imagine it, you become it and then you create it
Becoming it through your imagination is the first creation
Bringing it out to the physical realm is the second.
You become it (through your imagination), then you create it
It is our natural programming to create as we are, not to fit into the norms and the trends

You may share some similarities with some people
But there's still only one of YOU
Only one of your experiences
One of your perspective.
Your experiences, perspectives and beliefs
They are what make you unique
They make you– YOU.
Ideas will always exist and be recycled
And the more they're paraphrased and reused
The more they lose their meaning
And become obsolete
But, when you create from the lens of your experiences, perspectives and beliefs
You create content that can only come from you
You create ORIGINAL content.
It is ORIGINAL because you're speaking from a place of experience
Not just quoting another person's idea in a different way.
Anyone who knows me, knows I love Dan Koe
He is a true thought leader and before I started researching this topic be has already been practicing it.
And helping so many others do same with a method
Time won't permit me to go through every single detail
But here's a link to his free Genius Idea Template
It teaches you to;
Organize all your thoughts
Find out the big idea that created all those messy thoughts
Relate your experiences with what you want to write about
And come up with original content through your own lens
The Template is totally free and it's for people who crave Originality
I know it has helped me so I'm sharing it to you all and I hope it helps you too.
Thank you for reading this far
And as always, share to someone you believe this will help
See you next week.
Your friend,