And why it's changing for the better

For centuries, the standardized and accepted system of education has been;

  • Go to school

  • Be treated as a member of the crowd

  • Learn subjects imposed on you

  • Be forced to memorize concepts (and not need to understand them) to pass

  • Graduate

  • Become an employee

  • Work at a job you don't care about (to make ends means)

  • Get paid pennies for the value you provide.

Hard to digest isn't it?

Unfortunately that's the reality we live in(though I might been a bit extreme 😏)

If you're like me then you also hate this system and don't want to conform to it


You don't need to!

Before I continue I would like to state that in no way, shape or form am I calling the educational system EVIL

But I do believe it is missing the actual element which people actually go to school for:



Now let's look at what true education actually is.

Education = Awareness + Knowledge.

From the equation above, the moment you leave ignorance and become aware of a particular problem

Either through revelation by someone or your own personal realization of inadequacy at a particular topic


This leads you to acquire the necessary knowledge needed to elevate your confusion or lack of understanding of the topic you were once ignorant about.

If you think about it deeply

This is what the school system operates on but with the inbuilt flaws mentioned earlier in this newsletter.

I've graduated from university.

Spent 4 years to “bag” a degree in Biochemistry.

Before that, I went through every other level of education in the school system

Now after my 1 year compulsory service to Nigeria I will officially enter the labour market.

And it scares me.

It scares me to think about living to fuel another person's dreams after my years of toil.

Schooling is hard

We all know it.

But the last few years have taught me something.

Education is changing for the better and there is a way for me to build the life I desire.


One sentence:

Self education through the internet.

I repeat

I am not hating on the school system (ok maybe I'm hating a little)

But I only doubt it's efficiency at providing us with the one thing we all go to school for:

A better and happy life.

The internet creates an avenue for a better, more personalized system where you:

  • Learn what you want

  • Join communities of like minded peers

  • Build what you want

  • Live the life you truly desire

Now I have a bachelor's degree in Biochemistry.

And believe me I love Biochemistry

But in my entire 4 years in the university, studying a course I know I love

Nothing gave me more fulfillment than learning about entrepreneurship and taking a pen and paper to write out my thoughts.

It is human nature to create and want to create.

There is no fulfillment in imposed learning with no creative outcome.

Thank you for reading this far.

See you next week

Your friend,



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