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- Content Creation: The Secret To Real-Life Immortality
Content Creation: The Secret To Real-Life Immortality
What if I told you that you could live forever?
What if immortality wasn't a myth?
Would you hear me out or would you call me a mad man?
Well, I say it's possible
Let's see if you can prove me wrong..

What do the likes of Alexander the great, Julius Caesar, Jesus Christ and Buddha have in common?
Their names have lasted for thousands of years.
Some might say that Jesus and Budha are religious figures so it's not surprising
But what about Caesar and Alex?
Why are they also on this list of immortals even though their deaths were recorded (and not so pleasant)
Their lives and ideas were documented.
In other words; they were content creators.
Let me tell you a story:
You see, Caesar wasn't the greatest millitary mind of his time
Infact he had a rival just as good. His name was Pompey the Great.

Credit- Kieran Drew Newsletter
But while Pompey and Caesar were good on the battle field
Caesar was better with a pen and paper.
He always sent letter to the senate, documenting his conquest and adventures
This grew his reputation and caused fear to grip those who even thought of opposing him.
It's not surprising he became dictator and his name still lasts till this day.
Jesus taught to turn the other cheek in an era where an “eye for an eye” was the LAW
Buddha decided to abandon everything and live in poverty despite being born a Prince
Caesar declared himself dictator for life in a time where the senate had the power to decide who rules
Alexander the Great wanted to conquer the world but still left the cultures of his conquered lands intact.
Apart from documenting their lives, these guys had one more thing in common:
Radical ideas ( atleast for their time)
Your ideas will attract your people
Your people will tell your story
Your story will outlive you.
These ideas have been remembered and stories about them have been passed from mother to child for generations.
In the case of Jesus the Bible facilitated the spread of his story.
In the case of Budha it is the Tripitaka.
For Alexander and Caesar it is the letters and documents that were uncovered and the stories that we have heard for generations.
Now they live forever.
Whether you're religious or not, you have to admit that these four men are immortal.
Now how can you be immortal in the 21st century?
Walk with me…
A personal brand is how people (that personally know you or not) see you.
It is your reputation.
In this digital age everyone can build a personal brand
And like the Lazarus pit in the DC comics, your brand can make sure you and your ideals live forever.
But not everyone's personal brand can stand the test of time
So this is how I plan to be immortalized through mine;
Remember the story about Caesar?
Everyone knew his capabilities because he didn't hide them.
He wrote about them.
Do thesame.
Make a video
Go on a podcast
Create content around your interests until you become an authority in that niche.
If you truly want to stand out you must cause a disruption in the norms.
People notice you when you're unapologetically different.

Maybe you like pineapple on your pizza
Maybe you want all the power in the world
Maybe you want to be as rich as King Solomon
Or maybe you just want to have fun and die in a motorcycle accident while getting some loving from a hot blonde.
Okay, that went dark quickly
Whatever your motivations are and whatever makes you tick, just share them.
Do this with moderation though because remember, this is your reputation you're building
The best way to do this is to create original content.
Content that comes from your own life experiences not the copy and paste garbage everyone is posting these days
Start here if you need help.
None of the figures I mentioned were lazy.
They were proactive in living out their radical ideas.

The best way to build authority is to show competence
The best way to show competence is to show results.
And the best way to get results is to actually do stuff.
If you want to be known as a genius song writer, the write more songs and find ways to Promote them
If you don't want to rely on a job (like me) then build a business and start making money
If you don't wanna get married then either become a monk or make enough money to take care of multiple women.
You get my point.
While you're doing all this, remember to document the process.
This can serve as content and the experiences you gain will help you build authority.
I plan to follow all these steps because not only do I want a strong personal brand, I also want my name to LIVE FOREVER.
Do these as well and follow me on my journey.
P.S: Does content creation and making money online confuse you?
Do you want to:
Write better
Attract an audience
Create better content
Never run out of content ideas
Make money by doing what you love
But you don't know what to do?
Book a call here let's fix that.
Thank you for reading so far.
See you in the next one
Your friend and future dictator/ conqueror,